• 24 апреля 2017, понедельник
  • Долгопрудный, Институтский переулок, 9, МФТИ, Главный Корпус, аудитория 119

Mini-conference "Diophantine problems" in occasion of Prof. Nikolay Moshchevitin's 50 birthday

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Другие события организатора

Школа Прикладной Математики и Информатики МФТИ
2560 дней назад
с 0:00 24 апреля до 0:00 25 апреля 2017
Институтский переулок, 9, МФТИ, Главный Корпус, аудитория 119


Organizing committee:

  • Oleg N. German (Russia)
  • Andrei M. Raigorodskii (Russia)


Abstract book is available on ru.discrete-mathematics.org/confere...  


DAY 1: 24.04.2017
10:30 — 11:10 Iskander Aliev “Sparse Solutions of Linear Diophantine Equations”
11:25 — 12:05 Nicolas Chevallier “Almost all sequences of best simultaneous Diophantine approximations are both regular and singular”
12:20 — 12:40 Natalia Dyakova “On badly approximable linear forms and isotropically winning property”
15:00 — 15:40 Jinpeng An “Values of generalized binary quadratic forms at integral points”
15:55 — 16:35 Erez Nesharim “Diophantine approximation in positive characteristic and combinatorics of infinite matrices”
16:50 — 17:30 Sergei Konyagin “A construction of Schinzel-many numbers in a short interval without small prime factors" 
17:45 -- 18:25 Yuri Nesterenko “Quasi-modular functions and transcendental numbers” 
DAY 2: 25.04.2017
10:30 — 11.10 Attila Bérczes “Effective results for Diophantine equations over finitely generated domains”
11:25 — 12:05 Giedrius Alkauskas “The Minkowski question mark function, quasi-modular forms, and the Dedekind eta function”
12:20 — 12:50 Dmitriy Gayfulin “Attainable numbers and the Lagrange spectrum”
15:10 — 15:40 Alexander Prikhodko “Diophantine problems around spectral invariants of dynamical systems, and self-similar quantum solitons
15:55 — 16:35 Arturas Dubickas “On rational approximations to two irrational numbers”
16:50 — 17:30 Oleg German “Klein polyhedra as multidimensional analogue of continued fractions”


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