• 19 мая 2017, пятница
  • Долгопрудный, Институтский переулок, 9с2, МФТИ, Лабораторный Корпус, Большая Физическая Аудитория

Zdzislaw Burda - Random Matrix Theory: from fundamental physics to applications

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Школа Прикладной Математики и Информатики МФТИ
2526 дней назад
19 мая 2017, начало в 19:30
Институтский переулок, 9с2, МФТИ, Лабораторный Корпус, Большая Физическая Аудитория

Математический кружок школы прикладной математики и информатики МФТИ


We briefly recall history, milestones and main ideas of Random Matrix Theory and survey areas of applications of this theory, including fundamental problems in quantum gravity, quantum chaos, disordered systems, number theory as well as practical applications in portfolio selection and wireless telecommunication.

Biography of a lecturer

Prof. Zdzislaw Burda is a theoretical physicist working on interdisciplinary applications of statistical physics.

He received his PhD in 1992 and Habilitation in 1999 from the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. From 2006 to 2014 he was a professor of theoretical physics at the Jagiellonian University. 

In 2014 he moved to the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow where he is employed at present. He is currently the head of the Department of Applied Computer Science and Computational Physics. He worked asa visiting researcher at the University of Bielefeld (1993-96, 2001-02) and the University of Paris-Sud (1999-2000). He has held lecture courses as a visited professor at the University of Bielefeld and King’s College London. 

His research interests include random matrix theory, complex networks, financial risk management, gene regulations and quantum gravity.



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