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List of Invited sessions and their organizers
Random matrices |
Paul Bourgade |
Random graphs and random matrices |
Pietro Caputo |
Disordered systems |
Yan Fyodorov |
Self-similar Markov and Stable processes |
Victor Rivero |
Log-correlated processes |
Louis-Pierre Arguin |
Recent developments in continuous-state branching |
Juan Carlos Pardo and Zenghu Li |
Branching processes |
Vladimir Vatutin |
Branching Random Walks and Branching Brownian Motion |
Julien Berestycki |
Lattice models and their scaling limits |
Dmitri Chelkak |
Large Deviations |
Maria Eulalia Vares |
Classical and compensated fragmentation processes |
Jean Bertoin |
Random Walk in Random Environment |
Zhan Shi |
Random walks |
Vitali Wachtel |
Functional Inequalities and Optimal Transport |
Vladimir Bogachev |
Integrable Probability |
Vadim Gorin |
Asymmetric exclusion processes |
Tomohiro Sasamoto |
Gradient flows on metric measure spaces |
Karl-Theodor Sturm |
Random interfaces and interacting particle systems |
Dimitry Ioffe |
Financial Mathematics |
Albert Shiryaev |
Regularities structures |
Lorenzo Zambotti |
Stochastic partial differential equations |
Robert Dalang |
Stochastic Networks |
Haya Kaspi |
Numerical methods for stochastic partial differential equations |
Arnulf Jentzen |
Persistence probabilities |
Manjunath Krishnapur |
List of contributed sessions and their organizers
Inference in Branching Processes and related models. Applications |
Miguel Gónzalez Velasco and Inés M. del Puerto García |
Stochastic Evolutionary Models |
Konstantin Borovkov and Elena Yarovaya |
Asymptotic Properties via Stein’s Method |
Aihua Xia |
Stochastic Differential Equations |
Valentin Konakov |
Sequential Methods in Probability |
Alessandro Arlotto |
Branching Processes in Biology |
Peter Jagers |
Stochastic models of interacting multicomponent systems with birth-death dynamics |
Vadim Shcherbakov |
Applied models based on stochastic differential equations |
Alexander Veretennikov |
Stochastic Invariance for SDEs and SPDEs |
Bruno Bouchard |
Branching processes with infinitely many types |
Sophie Hautphenne and Geoffrey Decrouez |
Point process based dynamic models |
Sergei Zuyev |
Random self-similar trees and their applications |
Yevgeniy Kovchegov and Ilya Zaliapin |
Graphs and Probabilities |
Isaac M. Sonin |
Stochastic equations and branching processes |
Ewa Damek and Dariusz Buraczewski |
Recent Development in Survival Data Analysis |
Wenqing He |
Random waves |
Igor Wigman and Dmitry Beliaev |
Extremal Processes |
Sergey Novak |
Optimal transport and stochastic analysis |
Martin Huesmann |
Large Deviations for Interacting Stochastic Processes |
Lea Popovic |
Interacting Particle Systems |
Patrícia Gonçalves and Cédric Bernardin |
patricia.goncalves@math.tecnico.uli...; cedric.bernardin@unice.fr |
SDEs and nonlinear PDEs |
Yana Belopolskaya |
Time-series modeling and change-point detection |
Evgeny Burnaev |
High-dimensional probability |
Alexey Naumov |
Deep Learning and Bayes methods |
Dmitrii Vetrov |
Some aspects of financial mathematics |
Mikhail.Zhitlukhin and Аlexei Muravlev |
Random graphs and hypergraphs |
Andrei Raigorodskii |